
Sassy Speech Chick's Disclaimer:

The purpose of this blog is to increase speech and language skills; as well as provide information and resources to my fellow Speech-Language Pathologist and parents. The items posted are not meant to replace an evaluation or treatment from a certified SLP. It is a personal blog and all opinion expressed in blog post represent my own, not those of my employer(s), current, former, or future. They also do not represent the opinions of any educational institute that I have attended. 

All information, materials, applications, individuals, websites, etc. that may be mentioned within blog posts are mentioned as possible tools for the use of increasing speech, language, and other skills necessary for success of students/clients. These tools and information written within this blog are meant to be used for therapy purposes, but not to replace any service that should be provided by a certified Speech-Language Pathologist. All parents/caregivers, teachers, and other individuals  who are concerned about the skills of a child are encouraged to seek an evaluation by an ASHA-certified SLP (please consult with you local schools, clinic, etc.)


All original materials from Sassy Speech Chick contained within this blog or in associated locations (e.g. Google Drive, Pinterest, etc.) are the property of Sassy Speech Chick. If posting about these materials on blogs or other social media (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, etc) please credit Sassy Speech Chick and link the post to this blog. Any content (printable materials) activities/game procedures and overall material ideas should not be copied or used as reference in creating other materials, free, or paid. 

This blog has been copyrighted with the help of www.myfreecopyright.com.

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