Monday, August 25

Facebook, our secondary age students friend

Working with children on the secondary level can be challenging, and not just for you but them as well. This age group can really push your creative limits. If you have ever worked with this age group, you know that their motivation levels have decreased since 2nd grade and it takes a lot more than stickers to keep them engaged.

Since learning that I will be inheriting a lot more secondary age students than usual; I decided that an “upgraded” version of the “All about Me” activities/worksheets would help in getting to know my new students better.  So, what better way to get to know your pre-teen and teenage students then through social media?  SOCIAL MEDIA?  I know your probably thinking is she crazy I am not accepting any friend request from my students.  What if I said you could and it would be totally acceptable in the eyes of everyone?  I’m talking about Facebook with a twist.  This is why I came up with a Facebook worksheet. It allows my students to open and let me into their world so that I can better served them; while making if fun and about something they love.   

This year I'm getting to know my students through Facebook; I invite you to do the same.

Facebook Ice Breaker Worksheet

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