Monday, April 6

Preschooler's it's Spring Time!!!

As I sit here and think about previous posts, I realize I never really focus on my preschool age kids. This may partly be because I tend to use a lot of games with them (they love hot potato). However, as I work on two reports that are for initial placement for preschool age kids; I thought there needs to be a slight change. I say slight change, because if anyone has worked with these "Bite Size Adults" you will realize they are opinionated and stubborn at times.They also loose interest in activities  fast (Note: when working with this age group or any group you must definitely have back-up/additional activities readily available). Therefore, in order for me to address their goals and for them to have fun and not loose interest during a session games have been my go to. 

However, it is SPRING TIME (finally!!) and that means new vocabulary for these guys. Therefore, I decided to create a introductory Spring vocabulary activity. Using a Caterpillar as my theme I decided this would be a good way to add vocabulary to these little ones word bank. 

How it works: 
Simple as you introduce the vocabulary and discuss it (through categories, attributes, etc) have the kids cut and glue the Caterpillar's body together. I suggest gluing it to card stock or construction paper so that it is sturdy. 

Here's an example of mine:


Another activity that can be incorporated with the little one is one of my favorites. Using the The Very Hungry Caterpillar book to incorporate language. With this book you can address colors, attributes, sorting, vocabulary, and sequencing. I am sure most of you all have used this book, however, for the novice Therapist this is a great book. Therefore, I am also adding a Caterpillar coloring sheet that can be used to conclude your Language lesson using this book.  

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