Sunday, September 28

Social skill activities that are fun!!

Social skills can be addressed in a variety of ways. Many times as Therapist we approach this area by engaging in role play. An approach that seems to be the logical approach, other times we use games we may have bought from Super Duper Inc, or any other speech related sites.

After receiving positive feedback from my students regarding the Facebook get to you know you activity; I realized relating any activity towards social media for my junior high kids would make me a "Rock Star". Therefore, I decided to attempt this approach for a social skills activity. The funny thing is, I'm not big on social media, so just imagine how creating an activity about platforms that are unfamiliar to me could be. So to that I say bare with me and let my students or yours if you choose to try my activities be the judge.

So at this point, I wanted to start off with something simple, and I have a student who often speaks about Twitter. Therefore, I decided let's tweet our good social skills. To keep this first activity very generic and simple, I have just formatted it as if it was two students tweeting about a topic.

This particular worksheet can be used with one student or you can also pair them off. It is designed for you to choose a topic or have the students pick a topic. Then they are to take turns providing appropriate answers that relate to the topic.

Example: Making friends, the student take turns writing and discussing what they would say in order to make a friend.

This activity addresses turn taking, topic maintenance, and topic initiation.

Printable copies can be found under the "Printables" tab.

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