Friday, September 19

Speech Contract...Making Students Accountable

I decided that this year for my Junior High students a Speech Contract needed to be implemented. As some of you may know this is the age group where it's just not cool to attend speech anymore. This year I have found myself hunting down students and having to personally walk them to speech; in addition to being extremely creative in order to maintain their interest.

Can you believe I actually had a few that actually needed rules posted so that they could remember to follow them? Usually by this age I can state the rules at the start of the year, and only remind the students of the rules after the Christmas Break and Spring Break.

Therefore, in the mist of this transition for the students, as well as myself (dealing with students who aren't as motivate as I've seen in the past), I decided this year I needed to implement a speech contract. I felt that my students needed to be accountable for their actions and success or lack thereof. At the end of the day, I am here to service my students so that they are successful academically and functionally.

Here's what it looks like. It is simple and to the point. 

If this is something you may be interested, copies may be found in the Printables section.

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