Thursday, October 23

"Fun"ctional Fishing

When working with students that have little language or very low cognitive abilities; treatment ideas tend to lean towards more of a play therapy approach. Many times as Speech Pathologist we focus on vocabulary while using tangible rewards to assist in the student performances. Many times, when working with my students who fall in this category; I find myself giving them little breaks between activities. With that being said, when working with one of my groups a few weeks ago on functional words; I decided there has to be another way to present these words other than with communication boards, picture icons, and flash cards.

Therefore, I decided with the assistance of Board Maker, I would create a fun and functional activity that the students would truly engage in. A game that is not only fun, but focused on the functional words needed to increase my students’ language. So with the use of a fish template found on Google; I decided to attach functional words that were being focused on by my students to the fish templates.

Focus: Functional language, vocabulary, turn-taking

Materials Needed:
Card stock
Fish template (Google)
Board Maker pictures
Paper Clips
Laminating machine
Scissors & Glue
Magnetic Fishing Poles (I obtained mine from

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