Saturday, October 18

Made the best out of a small situation

Having you ever heard the phrase "Making the best out of a bad situation"? Well, I made the best out of a small situation. If you can recall, last school year I was graced with a smaller room. I must admit I was not happy, since I spent the whole summer prior to that creating activities that would allow for the students to not always be at the table. Nevertheless, the students and I adapted and figured out how to make it work. 

Well I must say I thought about it all summer (the room that is), hoping that the promise of paint would really happen. It did you all...the room was painted. Although, the room did not grow, which would have been better; the paint allowed the room to look more open and spacious.

So with a fresh coat of paint I attempted to go a new look. I moved the dry erase board to make it more functional for the students, put up some helpful posters, and rearrange some shelves so items we needed were easily accessible. I even attempted to make my small work area a little more home like. 

Just take a look for yourself....

I know you’re probably wondering if that is a pillar in the middle of the room. Yes it is, and I tried to make it as functional as possible. Although it is not pictured, I have an Articulation Ladder on one side for the pillar so students can see their progress. On another side the pillar I have a small sign stating "RtI Drill and Practice". This is because  a small bench (not pictured) I made out of crates and a small stool (also not pictured) I've made out of crates just behind the small shelf with my radio. This is where I conduct drill and practice for my student who are receiving intervention for one or two sounds but have not been officially placed in Speech. 

Looking back now I probably could have placed my desk somewhere else, especially now that I have an extra long surge protector. However, this has been working for my students and me the last seven weeks. I must say, I never imagined a new coat of paint on my pint size palace would allow me to see the potential within the room. The room is now really bright and fresh, it’s our cozy little speech space.

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