Monday, May 23

It's time to wrap it up!!

Some of you may have all ready ended your school year. However, for the few of us still trying to hang on; I mean literally hang on don't worry I have your back. We will get through the last few days/weeks together. 
Here are a few fun suggestions to get you through those last 2-3 sessions of the year. 

1. Dauber Sheets and Ink Daubers are your friend. Check out 
2. "You Choose" allow the kids to choose what activity they are using during the session. Note: I would not give the free range to roam the cabinets, but allow them to choose from about 4-5 games. 
3. Go on a Speech Parade. Have the children go around the school and show off what they have learn this year. (You may only want to go to the office, nurse, counselor, and fine arts department.)
4. Instead of giving out pre-made Speech Diploma's or Certificates have the kids make their own. (Besides that glitter is only going to spill in the cabinets over the summer.)
5. Bring a friend to Speech Day. Now this may only work if you don't currently hold therapy in the janitor's closet. However, for those of you lucky to have a descent size room feel free to try this one. Besides we all know that every child in the school is dying to see what cool stuff you have in your room .
6. Create Summer Packets that allow students to work on carry over and increase generalization of  their skills. 

Remember the year is almost over!!!

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