Wednesday, June 18

Fluency... let's get others involved.

Like most Therapists, I think it's safe for me to say that Fluency is not  my strongest area. Yes, I said it; however, I am also not afraid to say this is an area I am striving to improve. The last two school years I have treated anywhere between 3-5 students with fluency disorders. Therefore, I have been doing what I can as far as attending CEU classes to improve in this area. In my quest to better myself in this area, I had an epiphany and it included giving more responsibility not just to the child but parents and teachers. Towards the close of this year, I obtained a student who was put in a first year teacher's room. To my surprise she approached me and was excited and very open to wanting to help me with this student. Due to there only being few weeks left in school, as a team we were not able to implement many things. However, with her permission, I was able to place the student's strategies on his desk and in his small group area. The teacher also took on the responsibility of not only placing the student with kids who would be more accepting but she offered to speak to her students about fluency. Awesome!!!!

I must say this first year teacher inspired me to not just asked for more help but require more help with my fluency students. Therefore, as I obtain information and come up with new ideas I will be posting to help not only my fellow Therapists, but teachers and parents.

Today in the "Printables" section I will be uploading a fluency poster that I have displayed in my room, a letter to teachers from the student, as well as a fluency game I will be implementing next year.

The poster resembles the photo below....

1 comment:

SassySpeechChick said...

Thank you so much "The School Speech Therapist" I will be looking into this very soon.