Monday, January 5

Christmas Break Review

This week's post is dedicated to all of my School Based SLPs. I say this because by now, I am sure all my medically based friends have probably engaged in an activity like this during the past two weeks.

The activity I'I'm presenting today is simple a ice breaker, and should not take long to complete. My thoughts when creating this activity was to make something that would excite my kids about returning to speech. You know an activity to get them excited about coming back to speech before we jump back into the serious activities.

Although, I am using this activity as an Icebreaker, it can still target your kids goals.  Skills that this activity may address include: the ability to increase sentence lengths, formulation of grammatically correct sentences, asking questions, turn taking, use of adjectives, and socialization (just to name a few). Feel free to extend the activity by probing your kids. 

What you've been waiting for....
As pictured below, all you will need is the worksheet that can be found under the "Printables" tab and a die. I personally used a tiny box from a gift I received, wrapped it with paper, and colored the black dots on.

I hope you enjoy this and feel free to comment on how this activity worked for you.

*Don't forget to follow, if you liked what you've read.

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