Tuesday, June 16

Taking Speech on the Road!!!

Merriam-Webster defines summer as the season between spring and autumn comprising in the northern hemisphere usually the months of June, July, and August or as reckoned astronomically extending from the June solstice to the September equinox. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2015, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/summer 

My definition includes the time of the year where I am able to relax and regroup. As most of you may know I am a School -Based SLP who moonlights at the SNFs from time to time. Even though, I may be on summer break, I don't believe the opportunity for kids to learn and continue to practice their speech skills should stop. 

I recently took a mini vacation to visit my parents and grandparents, which got me to thinking of all the kids taking vacation this summer. Although, some kids may be receiving treatment through private practice many are not. So with that thought in mind, I thought it would be cool to provide a few ideas to parents and therapist to continue or provide carry over when the kids are on vacation. 

This is just a started to kick the wheels in your brain to turning. To all my parents reading this please no this is not a replacement to Therapy, you should still consult with your Speech Pathologist on activities and information that will help in your child's progression. To all my SLPs I hope this is something to help you and that you can use with your parents and kids this summer.


Note: Printable version can be found under the "Printables" tab.

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