Monday, February 8

There is still time to incorporate Valentine's Day..

If your year is going like mine, and things are totally becoming crazy. 

Well don't panic there is still time to keep Therapy fun for the kids. Since I understand the stress of deadlines and the other 1,001 things a SLP has to do; I have created a fun, sweet, and simple activity to help you out this week. 

Sassy to the rescue, lol!!  (Now stop worrying about when you're going to update those IEP's.)

So that this activity can be used across the board I have decided to leave the board associated with activity blank; this way you can customize it to your specific IEP goals/objectives. 

The way it works:
First things first, before you begin, I recommend you print out more than one Tic-Tac-Speech board on card stock and laminate them. You may also want to laminate the game pieces for use in the future. Next, in the boxes of the board (using a dry erase marker) write target sounds or specific words, depending on if the child is working on Articulation or Language. Example: when working on Language use specific verbs on the board, have the student verbally provided the verb tense of that word before placing a "X" or Hershey's Kiss on the word. First to get three in a row wins. This also applies for Articulation, have the student correctly produce the word with their target phoneme or provide a sentence depending on the level they are working at before allowing them to put a piece on that word. 

A fun twist to an old game, I hope it helps and your students enjoy it. This activity with the pieces can be found under the "Printables" tab. 

Have a great week and Happy Valentine's Day!!

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