Tuesday, March 31

April is Autism Awareness Month!!

April is Autism Awareness month and in honor of individuals whom where diagnose with Autism and family member of those individuals. I decided to show support in a way that may spark not just the adults on campus interest, but the students as well.

By using this Instagram themed board. I must say the concept was a little challenging being that I do not have an Instagram acctount. However, after this I may open one to expand "Sassy's Creations". Yet, I digress.

As a professional, family member, and friend who knows someone or works with an individual who is diagnosed with Autism I feel awareness is needed. Therefore, I have made little fact sheet for the staff at my campus to assist in their awareness.

My bulletin as of today is filling up with pictures (teachers are emailing photos daily). However, because I was unable to find a filter to block out student faces I can't post how the bulletin currently looks. Sorry! I working on finding something so you all can see it. Until then I am totally loving the support from my school. Yay!!!!

Well you guys until the next post, spread the word and  be aware.


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