So, if you use the Past Post drop box located on the left side of the screen and go back to May 2014 you will find a post called "Speech Showers". Along with this post, I uploaded printable sheets that can be used as a reinforcement or as a craft activity that goes with a weather themed Language activity. Please go check it out, my kids have enjoyed this activity and I hope yours will as well.
Pictured is a poster sized version of the "Speech Showers" activity. Worksheets similar to this are located under the "Printables" tab.
In addition to this, I am also adding under the "Printables" tab a reinforcement sheet called "Spring into Speech". On yesterday I used this printable sheet with a Language and Articulation group. The kids seemed to enjoy the activity, especially knowing that another Holiday is coming; it made for really good conversation.
How I used the the activity:
When using for Articulation I wrote in the students target sounds allowing them to color an egg for each correct production. For Language when providing a correct response the student(s) just followed along with the instructions provided on the worksheet.
Note: The "Spring into Speech" worksheet works best with 3rd grade and younger. "Speech Showers" is great for Pre-K - 5th.
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