Tuesday, May 5

Cinco de Speech

In Celebration of Cinco de Mayo.. I have created a fun packet with a few facts regarding Cinco de Mayo for the kids. 

After much thought, I decided to make a packet very simple and more of a template so that you all could build on the activities in what ever manner you saw fit. The packet includes: Facts, the Flag of Mexico, a Word Search, and a Coloring page. 

How I plan to use the packet...

My goal with this packet is to address as many language concepts as possible to meet my Language kids needs. I will address "Wh" questions, following directions, identification of parts of speech, the correct usage of part of speech, topic maintenance, and more. 

I will first begin by introducing background information on the holiday. My school will be celebrating the holiday by having Teachers dress up so that will be my "open door" in to this festive Holiday.

So starting with the fact sheet I will provide information regarding Cinco de Mayo and give the students an opportunity to ask and answer questions ("Wh" questions preferably). I will also allow a little time for them to tell stories of how they will be celebrating the holiday. Sorry, I left this part out, but my campus is predominately Hispanic so many of my student will have information to contribute to the discussion. 

We will also discuss the similarities and differences between the Flag of Mexico and the United States flag. I will use this time to touch on descriptive words. The students will then have an opportunity to color the Flag. 

The next activity, is the word search it provides vocabulary for the kids. Words used with in the word search are words the student will hear during the Facts discussion with the except of a few extra words. With this activity, because the word search is not big and not very difficult, I will have student create sentences on the back of their sheets using these words to address formulating grammatically sentences. We will also identify parts of speech (adjectives, verbs, nouns, etc. depending on the child's needs). 

Lastly, as a reward I will have the students color a fun Sombrero. However, they will have to follow the directions in order for it to turn into a master piece. 

A way in which this packet can be used for Articulation, would be when completing the word search have the student(s) either say a sentence using both a word from the word bank and including their sound(s), or have the student(s) write a sentence where he/she uses both words that include their sound(s) and a word from the word bank. 


Graphics used on the packet cover sheet are courtesy of mycutegraphics.com 

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